Thursday, March 22, 2007

What a great Lady!!
I met the sweetest lady tonight while on assignment, Jeanne Fowler. She was getting a Hero's award from the Red Cross for her work on the organization she started years ago called Big Family of Michigan. She helps to try and make the lives of kids in foster care better and to get the word out about child abuse. Also, Jeanne was abused, no wait tortured as a child and watched her own mother torture and kill her 3 year old brother. Jeanne talks openly about how she and her brother were tied to their walls and beaten every day. It's not easy to hear but you MUST listen. They are stories some people don't want to hear on the news. But damn if more people paid attention and saw the torture these kids go through maybe we could save many more of these kids! I have personal feeling about what we should do to those who abuse kids but I won't go into that. People just need to know how bad some kids are treated. Please help Jeanne by volunteering or donating to her cause. Go to to read her story and to help.


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